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5 Signs You Need A New Roof

Replacing a roof is one of those major home improvements that pop up once in a while. Most homeowners aren't enthusiastic about buying a new roof because it's more costly than roof repairs.

Based on the National Association of Realtors’ annual Remodeling Impact Report, the average cost of installing a new roof is $7,500. However, the average cost recovered is $8,000, which represents 107% of the initial outlay

So, while replacing your roof might be something you’re not looking forward to, a new one is worth it, from a financial standpoint. That’s why we recommend knowing these top five signs that indicate you need a new roof.

Damaged Shingles

Roofing shingles can experience all kinds of damage that show your roof is no longer protecting your home. First, shingles are prone to curl up at the edges or the middle starts to buckle up. If this happens, the shingles no longer form a tight seal over your home so it’s easy for water to leak into your home. Other signs of shingle damage include cracked or missing shingles. When shingles get damaged, they start getting bald spots because they are losing granules. These granules accumulate in the gutter and is another sign that your roof’s integrity has been compromised.

Roof Leaks

A small roof leak is no reason to get a new roof. But, if your roof has large leaks all over the place, then this could spell disaster for you. That’s because roof leaks can cause severe damage. You may start noticing water stains and discoloration on your walls or ceiling. In addition, unwanted moisture can cause paint damage – you may experience the paint peeling or blistering. A more serious problem that can be caused by leaks is mold growth since mold tends to thrive in damp places. But, before you get the water stains, paint damage, or mold problem fixed it’s important to get a new roof, so you don’t keep encountering the same problems.

Sagging Roof

A sagging roof is a serious structural problem, meaning you can’t afford to keep postponing a roof installation project. In homes that have wooden beams for roof supports, these wooden beams can warp and bend, causing sagging. Sometimes, water damage can lead to rotting such that your roof no longer gets the support it needs. In the worst case scenario the roof itself will have sustained damage, maybe due to people walking over it causing dips and valleys in the roof

Water, ice, and debris can also collect around these weak points, causing further damage. Regardless of the problem, it’s best to get it checked out as soon as possible. The last thing you want is to have a structural problem hanging over your head.

Hail Damage

Even if your roof is in the best condition, things can change in a minute because of Mother Nature. For instance, a hailstorm can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time. If the size and weight of the hailstones are large enough, roof repairs may not be enough to restore your roof to its original condition. The impact of hailstones can cause dents, fractures, and other types of damage.

Increased Energy Bills

Your roof has the important function of keeping your home protected. However, when a roof reaches the end of it’s life expectancy, it loses its efficiency and postponing a roof replacement will only cost you. For starters, you’ll spend a lot of money repairing your roof, only to discover more repairs that keep creeping up

The other thing is, when your roof becomes inefficient at keeping air in or out of your home, it only means that your HVAC system has to work harder. In winter, warm air will keep escaping your home and in summer cool air will also keep seeping out. As a result, your home’s cooling and heating system will consume more energy to keep your indoor environment comfortable. Over time, you’ll notice your energy bills increasing for no apparent reason. Getting a new roof will reverse the situation because a new, energy-efficient roof will help lower your energy bills, which saves you plenty of money over time

These five signs strongly indicate that you need to start budgeting for a new roof. If you’re still not sure whether your roof needs replacement, the best thing is scheduling an inspection and getting professional advice on the best way forward. For peace of mind, get in touch with us today, and we will address any concerns or questions you may have about your roofing project.

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